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发布日期 :2021-10-25作者 :点击 :



2、会议时间:20211027 14:00-16:30


会议号:612 6497 5625 密码:3209414



Dr. Timo Hamalainen, Professor, University of Jyvaskyla

Topic: Intelligent zero-trust networking for IoT

Abstract: An intelligent network defense system which relies on SDN and NFV technologies to launch and configure security appliances and redirect certain slices of the traffic to these appliances as well as chain the appliances between each other. The key component of the defense system proposed is an AI engine that resides on top of the SDN and NFV controllers and is responsible for manipulating security policies depending on the current network stateAI engine consists of several reinforcement learning agents which aim to minimize the attack surface and the risk of subsequent attacks in the future.

Short Bio: Timo Hämäläinen received the Ph.D. degree in telecommunication from the University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland, in 2002. In 1997, he joined the University of Jyväskylä, where he is currently a Professor of computer networks. He has more than 25 years research and teaching experience of computer networks. He has led many external funded network management related projects. He has launched and leads master programs with the University of Jyväskylä (SW & Comm. Eng.), and teaches network management related courses. He has more than 200 internationally peer reviewed publications and he has supervised almost 40 Ph.D. dissertation. His research interests include network resource management, IoT, and networking security.

Dr. Zexian Li, Principle Research Scientist, Nokia

Topic: URLLC/IIoT: Development Journey and Future Outlook

Abstract: URLLC (ultra-reliable low latency communications) has been one of the three usage scenarios starting from the first release (Rel-15) of 5G development in 3GPP. In this presentation, firstly we will jointly walk through the URLLC/IIoT development in all three 5G releases until now, mainly covering example use cases, KPIs, selected key features to reduce latency and improve reliability from both radio access network (RAN) and core network (CN) aspects. Secondly, taking 5G-ACIA scenarios as one example, we will discuss the achievable performance considering typical IIoT use cases. Finally, it is of interest to look further what is expected from 6G era for example further enhanced URLLC/IIoT support.

Short Bio: Zexian Li received his B.S. and M.S. degrees from Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), and his Ph.D. degree from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT), P. R. China. From 2000 to 2005, he was working as senior research scientist at Centre for Wireless Communications (CWC), University of Oulu, Finland and involved in various national and EU projects including TEKES (Business Finland) projects and EU WINNER project. Since 2005, he has been with Nokia, Finland, and focus on research and standardization activities on broadband wireless communication systems, most recently on 5G and beyond. He led the horizontal topic on direct D2D within the EU FP7 METIS project and acting as WP leader in EU H2020 5GCAR project, responsible for radio air interface design. Currently his research interests include 5G and beyond, URLLC/IIoT for vertical applications and future wireless technologies for improving our life.

Dr. Muhammad Zeeshan Asghar,

Postdoctoral Researcher at Department of Communication and Networking, Aalto University, Finland

Topic: 6G Architecture for sustainable wireless connectivity


The vision for 2030 and beyond sets new opportunities with respect to the emergence of new devices with more intuitive interfaces, new sensing technologies, and the availability of ubiquitous distributed computing, human experience to the consumption of new immersive, digital worlds. The 6G network should be architected to achieve an expansion of human experience across physical, biological and digital worlds. In addition, the enabling the beyond Industry 4.0 operations in dimensions of performance should be considered. 6G networks will provide novel radio and access architecture for both communications and sensing purposes, AI. The 6G will be an open, scalable, elastic and flexible with applications and services that are decomposed into micro-services and serverless functions. The 6G architecture will be designed for extreme attributes and open service orchestration architecture. In order to fully realize the benefits of 6G, there is need for innovation in the 6G network architecture. In this talk I will explore several architectures for the 6G to fully realize the vision of sustainable wireless connectivity.

Dr. Zheng Chang, Associate Professor, University of Jyvaskyla.

Topic: Interplay of Blockchain and Edge computing

Abstract: Recently, the blockchain has evolved from the original digital currency to extensive IoT applications due to its distributed, tamper-resistant, retrospective and transparent Features. Meanwhile, edge computing, is able to provide computing capability at the edge of the network. In this talk, we explore the design of edge computing-based blockchain system. Specifically, we focus on studying the interplay and cooperation between the edge and the miners in blockchain, and investigate incentive mechanism for rational miners to purchase the computational resources.

Short Bio: Zheng Chang received Ph.D degree from the University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland in 2013 . He has published over 130 papers in journals and conferences, and received best paper awards from IEEE TCGCC and APCC in 2017 and has been awarded as the 2018 IEEE Best Young Researcher for EMEA. He has been served as TPC Member of IEEE flagship conference and also participated in organizing workshops and special sessions. He is an editor of Springer Wireless Networks, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, and IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. He was the exemplary reviewer of IEEE Wireless Communication Letters in 2018. He also acts as a guest editor of IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE Wireless Communications, IEEE Networks, IEEE Internet of Things Journal. is research interests include IoT, cloud/edge computing, security and privacy, vehicular networks, and green communications.

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